News about topics or campaigns run or supported by Herefordshire Green parties.
North Herefordshire parliament
22 December 2016 by Green Party Admin
We are delighted to announce that Ellie Chowns has been selected as Prospective Parliamentary candidate for North Herefordshire. Her enthusiasm, competence and expertise will stand her in good stead when the election campaign begins. The idea of a snap election seems to be receding, but we are prepared!
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Fracking Herefordshire Topics
20 December 2016 by Green Party Admin
A dozen anti-fracking campaigners welcomed councillors attending the full Council meeting at Shire Hall on Friday (16th December), when a Motion on fracking in the County was to be considered. After a short debate, Council voted unanimously to adopt the Motion introduced by Kerne Bridge Councillor Paul Newman – “The Executive be asked to consider the […]
Energy Fracking Herefordshire Topics
12 December 2016 by Green Party Admin
Herefordshire Council are meeting this Friday 16 December at 9.30 am to consider fracking in the county. There will be a peaceful anti-fracking presence outside Shire Hall from 9am, to show councillors that people care about protecting the county’s environment – and its tourist industry! This is due to a motion tabled by Conservative Kerne Bridge Councillor […]
Health and NHS Herefordshire Topics
8 December 2016 by Green Party Admin
The Hereford Times is reporting today that those with minor ailments should not attend A&E in Hereford. During the last few days the emergency department at Hereford County Hospital has seen a spike in the number of patients treated and admitted with hip fractures, respiratory conditions and cardiac problems. People with injuries and conditions which […]
Fracking Hereford & South Herefordshire Topics
6 December 2016 by Green Party Admin
Members of green groups in Herefordshire, including Greenpeace and the Green Party, leafleted shoppers in Hereford last Saturday on the controversial issue of Fracking. Fracking is used to extract shale gas [1], and has recently been given the go ahead in Lancashire and Yorkshire in the face of very vocal opposition from local people, councils […]
Fair votes National and global
30 November 2016 by Green Party Admin
‘We support a progressive alliance: Greens are not standing a candidate’. That’s the Green Party leaflet for the Richmond by-election happening this Thursday, following the resignation of Zac Goldsmith in October over Heathrow expansion, writes Josiah Mortimer of Left Foot Forward. And it’s brave stuff. This is the first time in recent history that a […]
Big Green Conversation Fracking Hereford & South Herefordshire Topics
25 November 2016 by Green Party Admin
Of interest to those attending last night’s Big Green Conversation on Fracking, The Guardian reports this morning that Ministers deliberately delayed a report showing fracking could affect house prices, health and the environment until after a crucial planning decision.
Cycling Hereford & South Herefordshire Rob Hattersley Topics Transport
Hereford Green Party have asked PC World why the bike racks have disappeared from outside their store. ‘We are sure sure PCWorld want to play their part in reducing congestion and pollution, so we are mystified as to why the racks have gone, quite apart from the fact that if cycling customers cannot park their […]
Climate change Comment Rob Hattersley Topics
There are reports in the serious press this morning about how Arctic ice melt appears to be out of control. As it does, the process speeds up, as, for example, ice areas which usually reflect the suns heat become green and soak up the heat instead. As tundra melts, there is an increase in the most […]
Big Green Conversation Fair votes Hereford & South Herefordshire
24 November 2016 by Green Party Admin
The Big Green Conversation is switching to the 4th Wednesday each month from January 2017. We’re looking forward to welcoming KLINA JORDAN from Make Votes Matter – the fair votes campaign – to lead a discussion on why we need electoral reform in order to change anything else. We will also look at how to make […]