Welcome to Herefordshire Green Party

Herefordshire: Nine Green County Councillors – One Green MP

To hear from Ellie Chowns – MP for North Herefordshire please visit elliechowns.org.uk. To sign up to Herefordshire Green Party, use the form at the bottom of the page or contact us

In coalition with Herefordshire Independents 2019-23, Greens are proud of what was achieved

Here are just a few examples of what coalition councillors have achieved:

Investing in our market towns – trusting each to spend the money on their top priorities, with £550,000 invested in Leominster’s highways recently

Tackling longstanding issues within some parts of Children’s Services – halving social worker caseloads and investing significantly in recruitment and retention

Securing funding for buses, bikes and better walking routes – such as free weekend buses for a year

Reversing cuts in our libraries – and starting a major project to improve the museum too

Tackling river pollution – working with neighbouring authorities and farmers to find solutions and creating wetlands to soak up pollutants

Reviewing the Balfour Beatty contract – achieving better value for money on road management and saving money by bringing services back in house

Investing in energy efficiency – through the Warm Homes programme and free home energy audits

Supporting families with the cost of living crisis – through a hardship fund and council tax rebates above the national average

Managing flood recovery and covid recovery – for example by rescuing residents from flooded care homes and setting up over 50 Talk Community hubs

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