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Jesse Norman: save our NHS

With patients being asked to stay away from Hereford A&E, and dying after hours left in corridors in Worcester, local healthcare is in crisis. Hereford hospital is too small, its management recently taken over by South Warwickshire, a move which Jesse Norman MP said in November ought to be halted while consultation took place. I […]

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Avoid A&E say hospital

The Hereford Times is reporting today that those with minor ailments should not attend A&E in Hereford. During the last few days the emergency department at Hereford County Hospital has seen a spike in the number of patients treated and admitted with hip fractures, respiratory conditions and cardiac problems. People with injuries and conditions which […]

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It’s Tories not agencies privatising our NHS

It’s good to read in Bill Wiggin’s ‘Talking Point’ last week that he wants to stop our money being wasted on agency staff in the NHS.  I agree with him that ‘it is important that the NHS is able to manage its staffing budget and is not privatised by agencies who pay far higher rates’. […]

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