Comment and editorial pieces
Comment Rob Hattersley
24 November 2016 by Green Party Admin
If the driver of your car was behaving erratically and endangering you both, and after discussion had refused to change course, would you accept that ‘decision’, or keep arguing that they should slow down? Brexit is a complete and utter car crash for the country I love and for my children especially, who now face […]
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Academic articles National and global
23 November 2016 by Green Party Admin
Readers may be interested in a series of articles by Oxford academics, highlighted by an alumnus on our Exec. These reflect on the US Election. Discover the answers to questions such as ‘Will Trump bring down the West?’ and ‘Is social media killing democracy?’ from authors such as the former Hong Kong Governor and current Oxford Chancellor Chris Patten. […]
Book reviews Comment John Whitelegg
17 November 2016 by Green Party Admin
The book sets out a rationale for a transformation of the mobility landscape and argues that the sustainable transport options simply cannot thrive in a world that remains wedded to more mobility and the manifestations of that cultural and political bias (subsidy, infrastructure and an astonishing lack of attention to death, injury, air pollution, climate […]
Comment Richard Priestley
Planning permission has been granted for a new cruise ship terminal in Greenwich. Ships moored in port run their diesel generators to provide power, and this creates terrible air pollution. Yesterday the Radio 4 programme ‘Costing the Earth’ investigated the situation. The answer is simple. Connect the ships to shore based electricity supply so they […]
Caroline Lucas Comment Jonathan Bartley
The new Green Co-Leaders set out their priorities for the next two years and explain how Greens do politics differently. Wherever we go in Britain – from Brighton to Birmingham, Durham to Dulwich – we see the same picture. The country is in a crisis. From a creaking health service and environmental chaos to a […]
14 November 2016 by Green Party Admin
When future historians look back at 2016, what will they see as the most significant change? In Marrakech, Morocco, the COP22 climate change talks are underway. The evidence for climate change is utterly overwhelming. Atmospheric CO2 has passed the milestone of 400ppm. Each year sees the global average temperature rise. Glaciers and permafrost are melting, […]
Comment Diana Toynbee Health and NHS Topics
It’s good to read in Bill Wiggin’s ‘Talking Point’ last week that he wants to stop our money being wasted on agency staff in the NHS. I agree with him that ‘it is important that the NHS is able to manage its staffing budget and is not privatised by agencies who pay far higher rates’. […]
7 November 2016 by
The i reports today that PE lessons at one of the UK’s top private school are being replaced by wellbeing classes. Leaving aside our views on whether or not private schools help or hinder equality or overall educational attainment, is traditional PE the best way to promote overall health and fitness? From childhood I preferred […]
James Harding, Director of BBC News, is considering ‘slow news’ to counter the constant bombardment of simple but largely unexplained news headlines. Describing a movement which began with ‘slow food’, Harding argues that people are given too much headline information they cannot deal with, and not enough considered background explanation or analysis. He said ‘The […]
Comment Ellie Chowns National and global
1 October 2016 by Green Party Admin
This year’s Autumn Conference was held in our region, at the University of Birmingham. It was one of the biggest conferences ever, with about 1300 members attending. There was a big buzz around the election of the new Leaders, Caroline Lucas and Jonathan Bartley, who stood as a job-share and won a resounding 85% of […]