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17 July – Molly Scott Cato talk on Brexit

Brexit – What’s really going on?

Join us for a lively update from MEP Molly Scott Cato

Keeping up with what’s going on with Brexit? Unsure who is running the negotiations? Curious about all the recent revelations of law-breaking, cheating and overspending?

This Brexit update from Brussels by Molly Scott Cato MEP will shine a light on a very complex issue. Amongst a range of issues she will look at the possible impact upon farming, climate policies and trade, and will talk about the main people driving Brexit and their motivations.

This is a great opportunity to learn more about the issues of Brexit from an MEP working in Brussels and the UK, who understands the issues and regularly meets with experts to understand what Brexit could mean for the country, business and the people who live here.


FREE entry – 7pm at Hereford Left Bank