Comment Rob Hattersley
7 November 2016 by
The i reports today that PE lessons at one of the UK’s top private school are being replaced by wellbeing classes. Leaving aside our views on whether or not private schools help or hinder equality or overall educational attainment, is traditional PE the best way to promote overall health and fitness? From childhood I preferred […]
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James Harding, Director of BBC News, is considering ‘slow news’ to counter the constant bombardment of simple but largely unexplained news headlines. Describing a movement which began with ‘slow food’, Harding argues that people are given too much headline information they cannot deal with, and not enough considered background explanation or analysis. He said ‘The […]
National and global
4 November 2016 by
The Green party has backed the Liberal Democrat candidate in the Richmond Park byelection against former Conservative Zac Goldsmith, who quit his seat in protest at the government’s decision to expand Heathrow airport. The party said they hoped the decision would put pressure on the local Labour party to not stand a candidate of their […]
North Herefordshire Press releases West Midlands
3 November 2016 by
A HEREFORDSHIRE Green Party activist has taken on a key role in helping to build on the party’s success following recent local government election victories, record general election vote and boom in membership. DR ELLIE CHOWNS, a member of Ledbury Green Party, was elected last Saturday at a meeting in Birmingham as a West Midlands […]
Herefordshire Peace and Defence Topics
1 November 2016 by Green Party Admin
REBECCA Johnson, prominent global peace campaigner, was in Hereford on Tuesday last week to talk on ‘peace-building through non-violent action and treaty-making’ for the Millichap Peace Fund. Her visit came just days before the United Nations was due to vote on whether to start negotiations next year to prohibit nuclear weapons. She said ‘I’m delighted […]
Ledbury North Herefordshire
21 October 2016 by Green Party Admin
Ledbury Greens were super-busy in the run-up to the 23 June referendum, with stalls and leafletting every weekend and some weekday evenings too – often working in cross-party partnership with other Remain campaigners. After the bitter disappointment of the narrow victory for Leave, we’ve had a bit of a rest over the summer, but we’re […]
Bromyard North Herefordshire Topics Transport
1 October 2016 by Green Party Admin
Bromyard Greens have been conducting a town survey about traffic issues, and have produced a report to be presented to the town and County Councils, calling for measures to reduce traffic dangers and increase safety in the town.
Herefordshire Young Greens
Infofest at the Colleges in Hereford gave us an opportunity to run a stall at which we encouraged students to register to vote and to start thinking about politics and what the Green Party stands for. About a dozen were interested enough to leave their contact details and we will be following up with them […]
Comment Ellie Chowns National and global
This year’s Autumn Conference was held in our region, at the University of Birmingham. It was one of the biggest conferences ever, with about 1300 members attending. There was a big buzz around the election of the new Leaders, Caroline Lucas and Jonathan Bartley, who stood as a job-share and won a resounding 85% of […]
We are sad to report the death of a great Green pioneer – Diana Merry of Ledbury – one of the ‘founding mothers’ of the Green Party in our area. Diana, who died aged 96, was resident at a nursing home with a good view of her former home Knapp House at Tunnel Lane, Ledbury, […]