Hereford & South Herefordshire Herefordshire Topics Transport
22 December 2016 by Green Party Admin
Marches LEP and Herefordshire Council are pressing ahead with their scheme to build Hereford’s north-south bypass, including a new crossing of the river Wye to the west of the city. They applied to the Department for Transport for funding (c £1.9m) to help develop the Outline Business Case and the planning application. The application documents […]
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Elections Leominster News North Herefordshire West Midlands
Due to the sad recent death of one of our County Councillors, there will be a by-election in Leominster in the New Year. We will be calling on as many of you as possible for help. Although we do not have scheduled local elections in Herefordshire next year, our neighbouring counties will be very busy and have been […]
Bromyard North Herefordshire Transport
At Bromyard Greens meeting on 1st February, we have invited Gordon Coppock, who has an interest in and has invested much time in various alternative energy projects, which includes producing an electric car, which he put together here in Bromyard. Some of the parts were made by a local firm. We have a Speed Festival here […]
Bromyard North Herefordshire
Our next meeting is on Wednesday Jan 4th at The Falcon Hotel at 7.30. We have invited Ellie Chowns, our Prospective Parliamentary Candidate (PPC) and, hopefully the next M.P. for North Herefordshire, so we can all meet her.
Thank all of those who attended our fund raising event, The Big Green Cabaret in Bromyard in September. We had six acts, all of whom performed for free, we raised £290.00 and everyone seemed to have a good time. On reflection, the event probably was a little too long, so next time, we’ll make it […]
Fracking Herefordshire National and global Topics
Opponents of shale gas in the west country are celebrating a series of recent council votes against fracking. In the past fortnight, Conservative-controlled Gloucestershire and Herefordshire County Councils have backed anti-fracking motions while Forest of Dean District and Watchet Town Councils have declared themselves Frack Free Zones. Read a full report here.
North Herefordshire parliament
We are delighted to announce that Ellie Chowns has been selected as Prospective Parliamentary candidate for North Herefordshire. Her enthusiasm, competence and expertise will stand her in good stead when the election campaign begins. The idea of a snap election seems to be receding, but we are prepared!
Chris Evans Comment North Herefordshire
Chris Evans grew up in a comfortable home in Herefordshire, but after gaining a forestry degree and joining VSO, he found himself in a harsh environment where communities struggle to survive on degraded land. His arrival in 1985 was the beginning of a lifelong association with people and farming in the mountains of Nepal where […]
North Herefordshire Penny Ellis
Peter Ellis, formerly one of our Green town councillors, came to speak to us at a recent Green Party meeting in Leominster as Penny, Chair of HIAG. Penny is Trans and very aware of the problems that can face members of minority groups. She agreed to write a short piece for Greengage. Independent Advisory Groups (IAGs) […]
North Herefordshire
Herefordshire Greens will be visiting Swan Brewery in Leominster on Saturday, 4th February 2017 from 2-4pm. This recently-established family-run brewery majors on sustainability. Experienced brewer Jimmy Swan has won green awards in the industry. We will join Leominster Allotments Society members on the tour (they use Swan’s spent hops for compost). Entry free/donation to Birmingham Childrens’ Hospital if […]