News about topics or campaigns run or supported by Herefordshire Green parties.
Big Green Conversation Fracking Hereford & South Herefordshire Topics
12 November 2016 by Green Party Admin
‘Fracking the Shire’ is the title of our next Big Green Conversation at De Koffie Pot on Thursday 24th November, 7pm for 7.30pm. Come along to find out what the fuss is about, what’s going on globally, and how it could affect Herefordshire specifically. We are trying this event without the complication of Eventbrite – […]
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Fair votes National and global North Herefordshire
8 November 2016 by Green Party Admin
Green Party candidates for Church Stretton and Craven Arms in the May 2017 Shropshire Council elections put fairness and democracy at the centre of discussions about electoral boundaries. On Tuesday, 8th November 2016, Hilary Wendt and Steve Hale who have been selected as Green Party candidates for the Church Stretton and Craven Arms division in […]
Herefordshire Peace and Defence Topics
1 November 2016 by Green Party Admin
REBECCA Johnson, prominent global peace campaigner, was in Hereford on Tuesday last week to talk on ‘peace-building through non-violent action and treaty-making’ for the Millichap Peace Fund. Her visit came just days before the United Nations was due to vote on whether to start negotiations next year to prohibit nuclear weapons. She said ‘I’m delighted […]
Bromyard North Herefordshire Topics Transport
1 October 2016 by Green Party Admin
Bromyard Greens have been conducting a town survey about traffic issues, and have produced a report to be presented to the town and County Councils, calling for measures to reduce traffic dangers and increase safety in the town.
Energy Fracking Hereford & South Herefordshire Topics
27 September 2016 by Green Party Admin
Hereford MP Jesse Norman has criticised Labour for saying it would ban fracking. A Hereford Green spokesperson said: ‘Jesse Norman may find it interesting explaining his love of fracking to residents of South Herefordshire as they worry about falling house prices, polluted water supplies, earthquakes and damage to our tourist industry if the frackers are […]
Diana Toynbee Fracking Herefordshire Topics
17 August 2016 by Green Party Admin
Diana Toynbee supported a send off for Rick Guest, aka Gandolph, who is emulating Tolkein’s hero and, in this case going to London to raise awareness of proposed fracking and CSG/coalbed methane operations in the Wye Valley AONB, which straddles two counties of Herefordshire & Gloucestershire. Here you can see a short film of the 4 day […]
Climate change Energy Fracking Hereford & South Herefordshire Topics
1 August 2016 by Green Party Admin
In July, Jesse Norman was appointed to a junior ministerial post (Parliamentary Under Secretary of State) in the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. His energy responsibilities are Nuclear and Oil & Gas including shale gas. Soon after his appointment, we contacted him to seek a meeting, intending to discuss the Hinkley Point decision, and fracking, among […]
Fracking Topics
26 July 2016 by Green Party Admin
Now the Brexit dust is settling, what does it mean for Herefordshire? The fact is, no-one knows, and we are left feeling a little confused and uncertain. But we can start by refusing the label ‘divided society’, and celebrate what we have in common, our caring communities, our beautiful countryside, our public services. We can […]
Energy Fracking Topics
23 July 2016 by Green Party Admin
The Ross Gazette reports that Frack Off Our Forest, a local pressure group, is urging Herefordshire residents to write to their local MP, Jesse Norman, if they believe that fracking should not be allowed in the Wye Valley or the Forest of Dean. It was revealed last year that areas of the Wye Valley and the […]
Farming Herefordshire Topics
1 February 2016 by Green Party Admin
Herefordshire Green Party councillors have criticised the way in which Herefordshire Council is handling the sell-off of the County estate, which was agreed in December, and have called for notices to quit to a group of tenants to be withdrawn. The Greens say a clear plan of action should have been drawn up, and a […]