News about topics or campaigns run or supported by Herefordshire Green parties.
Big Green Conversation Energy Fracking Hereford & South Herefordshire Topics
23 November 2016 by Green Party Admin
A reminder that ‘Fracking the Shire’ is the title of our Big Green Conversation at De Koffie Pot on Thursday 24th November, 7pm for 7.30pm. Come along to find out what the fuss is about, what’s going on globally, and how it could affect Herefordshire specifically. We are trying this event without the complication of […]
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Climate change economy Health and NHS National and global Press releases Topics
Caroline Lucas, the Green Party co-leader and MP for Brighton Pavillion, has accused the Government of ‘shirking its responsibilities’ after today’s Autumn Statement. Lucas accused the Government of having ‘deeply skewed priorities’. She said: “Britain is drifting towards the stormy and unchartered waters of brexit with ministers refusing to reveal the route, or properly adjust the sails […]
Herefordshire Trees
21 November 2016 by Green Party Admin
Herefordshire Tree Forum invites you to a series of events to celebrate Tree Week from Saturday 26th November to Sunday 4th December. Full details of what’s on can be seen in a downloadable pdf here.
Health and NHS Topics
17 November 2016 by Green Party Admin
It’s well worth watching and sharing this video again.
Topics Transport
HEREFORD & South Herefordshire Green Party strongly opposes the plan for a Southern Link Road for the following reasons. We have included detailed Notes but you don’t need to read this unless you want this detail. 1. THE ROAD WILL PASS THROUGH AND DESTROY PART OF GRAFTON WOOD, DESIGNATED AS ANCIENT WOODLAND. Four of the route […]
THE GREEN PARTY strongly opposes fracking. Not only is a dangerous and unproven technology, even if it were safe it would be unacceptable because our overriding priority has to be to reduce our carbon emissions. All our efforts must be to reduce carbon use and increase renewable energy capacity. And renewables are great news for Herefordshire where […]
Herefordshire Topics Transport
16 November 2016 by Green Party Admin
Professor John Whitelegg of the Stockholm Environment Institute, and former Green Party councillor in Lancaster, will be addressing the lack of transport planning in the UK and the impact on sustainability as well as efficiency at a meeting organised by Rail and Bus for Herefordshire. The meeting takes place at 2pm on Wednesday 23rd November at […]
Herefordshire National and global Topics
The Bus Services Bill continues its journey through the House of Lords: the next reading will be on 23rd November, before the Bill moves to the House of Commons. We are thrilled that the Lords successfully passed an amendment which would make franchising powers automatically available *everywhere*, not just in cities with an elected Mayor. […]
Comment Diana Toynbee Health and NHS Topics
14 November 2016 by Green Party Admin
It’s good to read in Bill Wiggin’s ‘Talking Point’ last week that he wants to stop our money being wasted on agency staff in the NHS. I agree with him that ‘it is important that the NHS is able to manage its staffing budget and is not privatised by agencies who pay far higher rates’. […]
Herefordshire Press releases Topics
12 November 2016 by Green Party Admin
Greens have called on the Boundary Commission to keep two MPs for Herefordshire, rather than splitting the county into three. Current proposals for new, larger constituencies mean North Herefordshire faces major changes. Some voters will be moved to Hereford & South Herefordshire, some will become part of a new ‘Ludlow and Leominster’ constituency, and others will […]