National and global news of relevance to Herefordshire
Ellie Chowns Europe Local News National and global
5 September 2019 by
From Hereford Times 4 September 2019 “We live in extraordinary political times. This is a crisis on a scale not seen for decades. And the most extraordinary thing of all? This is an entirely manufactured crisis, homegrown in Britain, created by the actions of a handful of people – Boris Johnson chief among them. Last […]
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Europe National and global Other Groups
19 June 2018 by
The March for a People’s Vote (on a final Brexit deal) is being supported by organisations including Open Britain, the European Movement UK, Britain for Europe, Our Future our Choice, For our Future’s Sake, Healthier In, Scientists for EU, Trade Deal Watch, Wales for Europe, In Facts and others. Herefordshire for Europe have arranged a […]
Climate change National and global Planning
4 May 2018 by
The NPPF is an important piece of government policy. It shapes the way development decisions are made – for example on where houses can be built and what sustainable transport arrangements should be made. The current proposals (May 2018) to revise the NPPF include support for Fracking and restrictions on on-shore wind. Our brief submission […]
National and global North Herefordshire parliament
25 March 2018 / 1 December 2021 by
Bill Wiggin MP, has long campaigned for stronger regulation of the press. The subject tops his website’s list of campaigns. Private Eye’s recent report “HEREFORD BEEF” refers to his most recent Commons intervention in which he is highly critical of the Hereford Times. The Hansard record of the debate is here
Edward Milford Hereford & South Herefordshire National and global
27 February 2018 by
Letter from Edward Milford in The Guardian 26 Feb 2018 Owen Jones misunderstands the fundamental philosophy of the Green party. We have an overall goal that is to allow all of humanity to thrive, democratically, while making only sustainable use of the planet’s resources. Under this overarching approach, a fairer distribution of resources (which some […]
Europe National and global Topics
17 March 2017 by Green Party Admin
Greens are opposed to the ‘hard’ Brexit being pursued, we think recklessly, by Theresa May. We think this will damage the economy, makes Britain a more backward and inward looking nation, and wastes valuable time and resources when we should be focussed on much more pressing emergencies. We do not think most Leave voters wanted to […]
Business Caroline Lucas Comment economy Health and NHS Jonathan Bartley National and global Public services Topics
8 March 2017 by Green Party Admin
You might have thought that there was no one left on a trolley in a hospital corridor. That our social care system wasn’t on its knees. That climate change wasn’t a crisis that threatens our very future or that there was no air pollution epidemic linked to the deaths of tens of thousands. This budget […]
Energy National and global Peace and Defence Topics
23 February 2017 by Green Party Admin
If we cancelled Trident, imagine what we could spend on home insulation, reducing energy bills for struggling households. A safer world, reducing climate changing emissions, warmer homes and wealthier families – what’s not to like? As part of the Global Days of Action Against Military Spending, Hereford Peace Council will be having a stall in High […]
National and global Topics Transport
3 January 2017 by Green Party Admin
In what is quickly becoming the only punctual thing about our privatised rail system, the annual increase in rail fares came into effect yesterday. This year, prices have gone up by 2.3%. And in the last decade, fares have gone up at twice the rate of wages. This is effectively forcing people off the railways, […]
Fracking Herefordshire National and global Topics
22 December 2016 by Green Party Admin
Opponents of shale gas in the west country are celebrating a series of recent council votes against fracking. In the past fortnight, Conservative-controlled Gloucestershire and Herefordshire County Councils have backed anti-fracking motions while Forest of Dean District and Watchet Town Councils have declared themselves Frack Free Zones. Read a full report here.