Herefordshire has two local Green parties, based on the parliamentary seats of North Herefordshire, and Hereford & South Herefordshire. The two parties share this website.
To see which constituency you live in search by postcode here
If you are a member of the Green Party of England and Wales (GPEW), you will also be a member of the local party covering where you live. You can join the GPEW here
Each local party has a shared executive committee made up of members who have volunteered to take an active role in local party business. The committee members are listed here.
We hold business meetings every month. Every other month everyone is welcome to find out out more. We also arrange social events like green drinks, walks and discussion evenings so we can meet up in a less formal setting. Meetings and events are listed here.
Greens are represented on Herefordshire Council – with nine councillors elected in 2023. We also have town councillors in Ledbury, Hereford City and Leominster. Details are here.
Volunteers have done a huge amount in recent years to build the local parties and to be so successful in elections. If you can help with time and have particular skills or experience you think could help, please get in touch.