18 September – Cultural Emergence Discussion

Cultural Emergence is a toolkit designed to create cultures of personal leadership, collective intelligence and planetary care. Developed by Looby Macnamara in collaboration with other global visionaries, join Looby to find out how Cultural Emergence can support you in creating regenerative cultures in your own life and relationship, as well as how it can ripple out into the world. Discover a message of hope and tools for empowerment.
Looby Macnamara is an experienced permaculture teacher, author and designer, and runs Applewood Permaculture Centre in North Herefordshire. Looby is running a weekend ACE – Activating Cultural Emergence course 4-6th Oct at Applewood Permaculture Centre. And you can find out more with an online free/pay as you wish Cultural Emergence taster course. www.applewoodcourses.com 

7.30 pm at Hereford Left Bank. Organised by Herefordshire Green Network.

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