29 September – Walk and tea with Kate & Paul Lack at Whitbourne near Bromyard.

A scenic route along the River Teme, with Kate telling us a little bit about the history of farming and landscape use in this area. (She is currently writing a book about the history of Herefordshire farmers and farming from earliest times).

Contributions of cake very welcome!

Follow parking signs and meet at 2.30pm at Colbridge Cottage, Whitbourne WR6 5RT. tel. 01886 821978

All walks, bike rides, teas etc. are fundraisers for the Green Party, as well as being pleasant social occasions, and we suggest a minimum contribution of £3.00. Children free.

If coming by car please try to share transport where possible. Non-members are very welcome. We are very grateful to those who kindly host these events. Could you host a walk and tea or other social/fundraising event? If so, please ring 01568 610955 or email folley.farm@btinternet.com

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