LOCAL ELECTION UPDATE – Don’t Lose your vote!

Below are the key dates for the local elections in Herefordshire this May.

If you are going to be away on polling day or can’t get to your polling station during opening hours, you can arrange a postal vote, or a proxy vote by applying to Herefordshire Council. Detailed instructions on how to arrange postal and proxy voting are here

Help is available here for people with a disability.


Voter Registration application closes: Friday 12 April. Here is all you need to know

Deadline for new postal vote applications and proxy postal applications: 5pm Monday 15 April

Deadline for new applications to vote by proxy (not postal proxy or emergency proxy):  5pm Wednesday 24 April

First date voters can apply for emergency proxy: 5pm Wednesday 24 April

First date voters can apply for replacement of lost postal votes: 5pm Friday 26 April

POLLING DAY:  7.00am to 10.00pm Thursday 2 May

Last time that voters can apply for a replacement for spoilt or lost postal votes: 5pm Thursday 2 May

Deadline for emergency proxy applications: 5pm Thursday 2 May

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