17 November – Leominster Big Day Out for May 2019 local election.

The next West Midlands Green Party Big Day Out is in Leominster to help three hard-working councillors Felicity NormanJenny Bartlett and Trish Marsh get re-elected in next May’s County Council elections.
Greens are getting some big wins on Herefordshire Council, such as passing a motion on fossil fuel divestment.
The Tories with their small majority on the Council will be trying to keep control of Herefordshire by unseating our councillors – putting Felicity, Jenny and Trish’s work at risk. We can’t let that happen.
They need your support to help them be re-elected in May. We know working now will keep us one step ahead of the Tories. Your help could be vital.
Please join the Big Day Out on 17 November to re-elect 3 hard-working Leominster councillors.

RSVP here

We’re meeting for lunch at 12.00 at Cwmyoy, Ryelands Road, Leominster, HR6 8PN, before going out for a couple of hours of campaigning.
Don’t worry if you’ve not done anything like this before. Full training will be provided.
After the campaigning we’ll head for some refreshment in a local pub.
Hope you can join us!
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