9 November – “Peace, Police, Youth, You”, (cancelled and replaced by a different talk)

We are very sorry that Paul Hutchinson who was to talk to us about ‘Case Studies from Northern Ireland’ on Friday 9th November, is unwell and has had to cancel his visit.

 But we are not cancelling the evening, and will have a discussion on ‘Bringing Communities Together’.

We are very pleased that  John Dinnen, at very short notice,  will start things off with talk entitled ‘Curing Irish Apartheid’  

 We hope you will still come along and join us. there will be the usual stalls and refreshments from 7 pm.  followed by talk at 7.30 pm.

Peace, Police, Youth, You: Case studies from Northern Ireland, Talk by Paul Hutchinson at the Friends Meeting House, King Street, Hereford. 7.30pm (stalls and refreshments from 7pm)

Paul Hutchinson is the founder/Director of Imagined Spaces, and former director of Corrymeela, (Northern Ireland’s oldest peace & reconciliation centre). He is a mediator, therapist, film-maker, story-teller and peace-practitioner.

Organised by the Millichap Peace Fund.



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