23 May: Big Green Conversation “LOVE SOIL – Healthy soil for healthy crops, healthy livestock and healthy rivers”

Talk and discussion, jointly led by Kate Adams of Wye and Usk Foundation and Caroline Hanks of Herefordshire Meadows

“Healthy soil underpins our agriculture, horticulture and ecosystems – but it’s a topic that’s often undervalued.

We will explore the importance of soil health and water quality to Herefordshire’s economy; what are the challenges and solutions and how we can influence those who manage this precious resource.”

Scientists are warning that soil erosion threatens UK capacity to produce food, e.g. Lord Krebs of Committee on Climate Change in 2015, “The most fertile topsoils in the east of England – where 25 per cent of our potatoes and 30 per cent of our vegetables are grown – could be lost within a generation,”

The recent extreme snow with drifting showed how soil is being eroded from fields – see pictures and discussion here.

At the Garden Room, Left Bank Village BRIDGE STREET, Hereford HR4 9DG

Come along to hear what can be done to protect our soils and wildlife.

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