Ellie Chowns – Councillor news 1 May 2018

First of all big thanks to everyone who helped with newsletter distribution recently – great to have you as part of the team.

I held another surgery in Cradley last week – non-stop visits from residents for 2 hours; really good to meet so many people. Lots of issues raised regarding highways; I’ve followed up on all of them with Herefordshire Council and Balfour Beatty and will be feeding back any information I get.

Next surgeries will be in Fromes Hill (28 May) and Storridge (25 June).

I’ve accepted an invitation to be part of a ‘task and finish’ group scrutinising the council’s highways work including pothole repair issues. One thing I’m keen to do is push for better service standards – it’s very frustrating when enquiries disappear into a ‘black hole’ and you don’t know who is acting on it or when…

Together with Green colleagues I’m working on putting a motion to council soon to tackle the issue of single use plastics. We’re also working on action on green housing standards, divestment from fossil fuels, and sustainable transport. Watch this space!

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