Ellie’s by-election campaign underway

Ellie Chowns is our candidate in the Herefordshire Council by-election at Bishop’s Frome & Cradley on 23 November.

Ellie first contested the seat for the Greens in May 2015 as the sole challenger to the Conservatives. She said:

“I gained a very encouraging share of the vote in the last local election and people have been urging me to have another go, I am working hard to win, energized by the knowledge that the county’s Greens have been on a winning streak. Two of the three Green councillors on Herefordshire Council were elected with big majorities at by-elections.

“In my professional life I have been an advocate for the voiceless. I would love to put my skills to good use speaking up for the people Bishop’s Frome and Cradley as their local councillor.”

Ellie who is married with two teenage sons, has worked in education and charities, including senior roles with Christian Aid and Voluntary Service Overseas. Locally, she has been a primary school governor, a volunteer with HomeStart and ECHO Herefordshire and treasurer of a housing association.


Ellie’s campaign is being organised by her agent, Mike Abbott of Bishop’s Frome (01531 640005, email abbott@living-wood.co.uk). Please contact Mike to offer help.

Alternatively get in touch with Ellie – tel 01531 670729, email ellie.chowns@gmail.com

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