17 Oct. Apple Week walk

From Bodenham Lakes Nature Reserve led by Pete Blench of Walkers are Welcome Leominster: woodland, orchard and lakeside, 3.5 miles including hill climb. Meet 10am at Bodenham Lakes car park. Wear strong boots/shoes and bring waterproofs. Please book: for booking/car sharing call Pete 01568 780886


All walks, bike rides, teas etc. are fundraisers for the Green Party, as well as being pleasant social occasions, and we suggest a minimum contribution of £3.00. Children free.  If coming by car please try to share transport where possible. Non-members are very welcome. We are very grateful to those who kindly host these events, many thanks.  Could you host a walk and tea or other social/fundraising event? If so, please ring 01568 780886 or emailfolley.farm@btinternet.com

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