Calling Green supporters in North Herefordshire!

This General Election is a great opportunity for us to raise our voices against damaging Tory cuts and a risky hard Brexit – and to campaign positively for our vision of a thriving green economy, fair politics, and proper investment in public services.

We’re planning an action-packed campaign including Action Days in all the market towns, leafleting across the constituency, and a busy schedule of meetings and visits all over North Herefordshire.

Can you help?

We really do need all hands on deck!  Please get in touch if you can help with:

  • Displaying a poster in your window – and/or a roadside signboard
  • Leafleting and canvassing – either alongside an Action Day in a town, or as part of an evening bike ride in the more rural areas, or simply in your own time in your own local area.
  • Getting the message out in other ways – please send me suggestions for groups I should talk to, events I should attend, and great local initiatives (community projects, green businesses etc.) that I should visit and learn about.

Get in touch by emailing, or use the contact form here.  Let’s send a message to the Tories: they shouldn’t take North Herefordshire for granted!

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