Support Ellie’s Crowdfunder

Ellie is the Green Party’s parliamentary candidate for North Herefordshire in the 2017 General Election.  She’s local, energetic, and principled – and she’s determined to challenge the Conservatives on their damaging cuts and the risks of hard Brexit.

Ellie stands for a positive vision of how our county and country could be: a caring society that invests properly in public services; a fair economy that provides decent jobs and homes for all; action on climate change and protection for nature; and an honest politics where everyone’s vote counts.

Help Ellie and the Greens send a message to Theresa May and the Tories – they shouldn’t take this constituency for granted!

Please chip in to Ellie’s campaign in whatever way you can.  THANK YOU for your support!

By making a donation you confirm that you are eligible to make political donations in the UK (i.e. that you are an individual registered on a UK electoral register) and that this donation is not made for or on behalf of any other person.

Please note that any donations over £50 have to be declared to the Electoral Commission along with the name and address of the donor.  Anonymous donations over £50 cannot be accepted.

Promoted by Ellie Chowns, North Herefordshire Green Party, 11a Canon Frome Court, Canon Frome, Ledbury HR8 2TD.

Elections Ellie Chowns for North Herefordshire GE2017 North Herefordshire Topics

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