Calling all Herefordshire FOE supporters

Herefordshire Friends of the Earth are holding their Annual General Meeting at 7pm on Wednesday 19th April at De Koffee Pot, Left Bank Hereford.

This will be a short half hour meeting to bring everyone up to date on what has been happening and where we go from here. Ruth Stannier and Melodie Winch attended FOE’s West Midlands Gathering in Birmingham on Saturday which was very inspiring and there’s all sorts of campaigns running that we could get involved with.

The AGM will be followed by the monthly Hereford Green Network Gathering at 7.30pm where Nic Howes will
talk about the City Tree Warden survey and new City Wildlife Trust branch’s budding work on “blue corridors” (brook courses) in the City. The Turnastone Peace Choir is coming along earlier that evening too – so it should be a good evening!

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