New Green Group in Bromyard

The Bromyward Green group launched in 2015, and now have a core of five pro-active  people, who usually attend meetings, which happen on the first Wednesday of the month at The Falcon Hotel, at 7.30.

We firstly decided to tackle traffic calming in the High Street and Broad Street, as the speed of some traffic was raised by traders as travelling too fast through a pedestrian area. It was decided  that what is needed is a 20 m.p.h. speed limit, raised platforms and a weight limit. The regional committee  have offered to help with the printing of a questionnaire and  assist in  delivering them to all houses in the town to gauge the feelings of the local community to these ideas. We now have a regular column in Off The Record, a monthly community publication, on sale in many retail outlets in the town.

Bromyard does not have a neighbourhood plan, so we intend to draught one of our own and recommend it to the town council.

We have suggested the idea of a ‘lend shop’, which exist in London and Frome. The idea is to encourage people to donate, or loan household and garden utensils like hedge trimmers, or step ladders, particularly things which are not used very often. The shop would be voluntarily run and function much like a library, lending items to residents for a small fee.

We welcome all residents of Bromyard and round about to meetings but hope all four and a half thousand don’t turn up on the same night. To get in touch, email

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